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Job of Tomorrow
The Metal Treating Institute's Jobs of Tomorrow docuseries is an engaging and infomormative 6-episodes into the world of heat treating. In this docuseries you will hear from a series of heat treating professionals that share:
Why choose an exciting career in heat treating.
How heat treating moves the world.
How heat treating impacts your life every day all day.
How technology is driving innovation.
How heat treating gives you purpose every day in your work.
Watch MTI's Jobs of Tomorrow series and hear how heat treating moves the world and give you purpose every day.
Episode 1
Heat Treating Moves the World
Episode 2
Turning Up The Heat
With Innovation
Episode 3
Transforming the Future
with Heat Treating
Episode 4
Flame On - Transformation
in Heat Treatment
Episode 5
The Many Faces
of Heat Treat
Episode 6
A Cool Career in
Heat Treating
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